令和2年3月24日 参議院法務委員会 嘉田由紀子議員質疑
Reiwa March 24, 2015: House of Councilors Legal Committee
Chair man:
Yukiko Kada
Councilor Kada:
Thank you, I'm Yukiko Kada at Hekisui-kai.
Before me, the councilor Takara treated the problem of married couple surname. This is one of the problem of Japan itself, Japan still have family law continuing from Meiji-era.
In recent news of yesterday, 23th March, the Shiga Prefectural Assembly voted and adopted the letter of opinion in favor of changing the family law to allow the usage of different surname for married couple.
This is the sixth in 47 prefectures. Moreover, in the city council, 56 adoptions have been already done. Gradually, more and more request to change family law about this issue is occurring in every district, not only in the urban area. At first, I will inform you this fact of keen wish.
Then, the second point, this very civil law is still dragging a very big influence of the house system, I have heard the story of the Yamazoe councilor earlier, that does not seek consent to sexual activity in the house system of the patriarchal system exactly in the criminal law, I think this is not possible in modern society, and it is made to know how the Meiji Civil Law or patriarchal system since the Meiji era has entered into our family life or daily life even now.
Then there was some very sad news this morning.
In Musashino City, Tokyo, one brother and one sister are killed by their mothers, the first-year junior high school student son 13 years old, the first daughter elementary school 4th grader, and the mother has Thai nationality, this is also an international marriage. This also was caused by single custody system that children can’t be raised by both parents. In the divorce talks, well I have to look up the next detailed news, she was told to go back to Thailand, and children will be taken by the husband because they are children of the house. She must have been hard-pressed. I think that this situation is very sad, and should not be. Same sad situation have been continuing from the case of suicide of Misuzu Kaneko about 90 years ago. Kaneko Misuzu, the poet, the child was taken by the husband in Showa 5, did poison suicide by not being able to take custody. I remember Misuzu Kaneko and feel that the family problems are deep-rooted in this way.
Just earlier, councilor Onoda wrote about child support in a very clear way. The situation that it is really hard to secure child support to be shown on a flowchart.
For me as usual, I'll ask about child's custody issue.
As I said every time, more than 210,000 children, either father or mother, loose parent in reality every year after divorce. First of all, I studied about the changes of the last ten years of the Japan Bar Association, which has played a major role in family cases in Japan.
For example, in 2009, in the 60th anniversary book of the Japan Bar Association,
There are a lot of scenes where that parents' divorce influences on the child's mental side and the psychological side very much, and child's right is threatened is wrote down, as a human rights issue.
And with regard to custody after divorce, it is difficult to say that the Civil Code, which stipulates only single custody, is appropriate in light of the fact, and since 2006, the Japan Bar Association has held three symposiums. In the 60th anniversary book of The Japan Bar Association in 2009, the statement is written that we are continuing to conduct research and study in order to amend the law to realize joint custody.
Ten years later, when I look at the 70th anniversary book of Japan Bar Association in 2019, joint custody have been never mentioned. Of course, article 766 of the Civil Code, which was amended in 2011, has been mentioned in child support and visitation, but there is no mention of this joint custody of child raising.
On the other hand, about the Hague Convention which has been in force since 2014, there are quite a few details about it, and in May 2018, members of The Japan Bar Association visited France to hold a symposium, and then conducted research. There is a description like this for example, France has a system similar to Japan as a country of continental law. But as an expert in family law, I think there is a very big difference between Japan and France about family law, not similar.
In such a situation, lawyers are the ones who are responsible for legal practice and parents and children, who face divorce issues, rely on. But looking at the direction of the discussion among lawyers, Japan Bar Association, joint custody seems to have had major setback.
On the other hand, there is a direction of the Ministry of Justice, which is currently reviewing the family legislation in the studying group, but it seems that there is a gap from correct direction. Of course, Japan Bar Association is an independent private organization, so it may not be a position for the Minister of Justice to express her opinion about the association, but in the point of view about social consensus, I would be happy to hear the opinions of the Minister of Justice, who is also a lawyer and originated from the legal world.
Chair man:
Justice Minister Mori
Justice Minister Mori:
Regarding right or wrong of introducing a joint custody system after divorce, there are various opinions in the legal community and the Japan Bar Association. And I know that there are many opinions in society, including those who have actually experienced divorce, as well as legal experts. The family law studying group is composed mainly of legal experts, lawyers, and legal researchers, and I recently instructed the person in charge of the Ministry of Justice to listen to the opinions of parents who actually experienced divorce and researchers of such as mental science, and to proceed with the study so that it could be a discussion that many people can agree on. It is not easy to have harmony in diverse opinions, but I hope that fulfilling discussion will be done at the family law studying group including this issue, listening to various opinions.
Chair man:
Yukiko Kada
Councilor Kada:
Thank you.
I understand that the studying group is studying positively and moving forward to make consensus.
In such a situation, there is a issue that child abduction by the parents is rampant in Japan, it is said in the world as the kidnapping of the real child, there are various opinions from overseas.
The concern is expressed from overseas also the movement of Japanese government towards the Hague Convention is slow, and last fall, I met Mr.Pic, French ambassador to Japan at the Japan-France diet member’s caucus.
Ambassador Pic mentioned that,
Japan's sole custody system allows the child abduction, that is also the issue under the Hague treaty, and it is also violation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the child.
And the justice minister Mori met Mr.Pic also on this 3rd March, and the French Embassy's Twitter account says that Mr.Pic met Justice Minister Mori to reaffirm the realization of the principle that children keep relation with both parents in the event of divorce, as planned by the Treaty on the Convention of the Rights of the Child, and judicial cooperation among Japan and France.
At the meeting, what kind of discussion about the issue of single custody was done specifically?
It is fine to the extent that it is possible to announce it, but, please.
Chair man:
Justice Minister Mori
Justice Minister Mori:
On the 3rd of this month, uh, to the Ministry of Justice, the French Ambassador to Japan Laurent Pic, uh, came, and, uh, we exchanged various opinions. Oh, well, about Kyoto congress, um, including, uh, uh, various, uh, I can count, ah, I try to recall, a lot of the conversations, as one of them, about the joint custody system, We exchanged opinions, but we also have a relationship with the other party about the details of the individual exchanges, and I would like to refrain from answering them here.
Chair man:
Yukiko Kada
Thank you, and Ambassador Pick himself, he said that he discussed about the issue of the custody after divorce with you. Could you answer what he said is right?
Chair man:
Justice Minister Mori
Justice Minister Mori:
Yes, well, as I've answered before, we also exchanged opinions about the joint custody system.
Chair man:
Yukiko Kada
Councilor Kada:
O.K., I confirmed that you discussed about that issue with Mr.Pic.
It is also about France, the Japanese embassy in France and Japanese Bar Association, on May 15, 2018, co-hosted a seminar on the Hague Convention in Paris for Japanese mothers living in France.
I would like to ask the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the circumstances how you held the seminar in cooperation with the association, which one approached to the other to hold the seminar, what the aim of the seminar was, and can you judge that this seminar has reached its aim?
Chair man:
Counselor Yamanaka at ministry of foreign affairs
Counselor Yamanaka at ministry of foreign affairs:
Well, I answer. Well, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs aims to promote the correct understanding of more people about the principles and procedures of the Hague Convention and to prevent from child abduction based on the Hague, and of the assistance, doing wide PR activities. Including these PR activities, we are cooperating with lawyers and other relations who have knowledge of the Hague Convention. In May 2018, in Paris, a seminar, which you mentioned, co-hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Japan Bar Associations was held as part of PR activities for this purpose.
Chair man:
Yukiko Kada
Councilor Kada:
Thank you.
In your answer now, there was the aim of this seminar, but what do you think you can judge that the aim has been reached?
Chair man:
Counselor Yamanaka at ministry of foreign affairs
Counselor Yamanaka at ministry of foreign affairs:
I answer to your question. Well, for the purposes I mentioned earlier, this seminar was conducted as part of our PR activities, ah, as the organizer, hopefully, we think that this goal has been achieved.
Chair man:
Yukiko Kada
Councilor Kada:
O.K., I've confirmed here that the objective has been achieved as your evaluation. Then, I have heard the recording of this seminar precisely.
In particular, a lawyer in charge of the Hague Convention, who was sent by The Japan Bar Association, gave a 30-minute lecture. It seems that about 70 Japanese mothers participated. When I obtained and heard the audio record and saw the transcription record of the tape, the Hague Convention have aims to prevented the child abduction and to keep the relation with both parents, completely opposite contents were in. The Hague aim to make parents friendly and exercise shared custody, but in fact in the seminar, I read the translation in every single word and heard the record three times, it was instructed apparently in my recognition that how to avoid the application of the Hague Convention to abduct child into Japan as they wish. I was very surprised. I was sure that in the embassy, on the contrary that the Hague obligatory aim for child to return to the original country of residence, the seminar gave instruction how to avoid the obligation of the Hague to make abduction. In the lecture of the seminar, there was concrete instruction how to abduct the children, like this. Taking the document of DV from the police, taking your own medical certificates, escaping to DV shelters to make record, and abducting children with these documents back to Japan. These instructions are very similar to those in Japan made by lawyers to make abductions. I ask again to the ministry of foreign affairs, are you evaluating that this seminar reached to the aim as PR activities?
Chair man:
Counselor Yamanaka at ministry of foreign affairs
Counselor Yamanaka at ministry of foreign affairs:
I answer.
Well, the Hague Convention requires the return of children to their original country of residence in the event of illegal child abduction across borders in principle. At the same time, the Convention stipulates that in certain conditions, there is no obligation to return children.
In the seminar you pointed out, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Japan Bar Association have made explanations including these points about the principles and procedures of the Hague Convention. Well, I don't have the minutes at the seminar, but, uh, as you have just pointed out, I understand that the lecture's lawyer explained, in his point of view, the reasons to be used to reject the return of children which are treated in Japanese law court. Ah, in addition, the lawyers who made the lecture made explanation that Japanese law court don’t allow reasons easily to reject the return of children and that easy abduction should be avoided, I understand like this. Well, based on these, well, ah, I understand that the explanation of this lecturer is not the instruction of child abduction which you pointed out. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs continue to promote a correct understanding of the Hague Convention and PR activities to prevent child abduction.
Chair man:
Yukiko Kada
類似の事で、実は欧州議会でもこの今年の2月19日に請願委員会、Commitee on Petitionでは、ドイツ、イタリア、フランスの請願者によって、日本人による実子誘拐が議題となり、委員からは日本に対して具体的な行動を求める意見が出ております。
Councilor Kada:
Thank you.
Essentially, the philosophy behind joint custody is that for the best interests of the child to make father and mother friendly not to fight after divorce. So with the back ground, I heard that for 3 or 4 years between the period from 2011~2014, Japan made discussion about this issue. As central authority of this issue, I wish the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will continue to play a central role in international activities for the true interests of the children.
Next time, I would be happy if you could tell me, how children could be saved by this Hague Convention.
About the same issue, on 19th February this year, petition committee of EU Parliament also treated the child abduction made by Japanese parents with petitioners of German, Italian, French nationalities. And there were opinions of EU parliament members that request concrete action against Japan to cope with this issue. As concrete action, from petitioners, there were proposals that the suspention of the Japan-EU Strategic Partnership Agreement, consists of 43 articles, to revoke visa waivers for Japanese people's travel to the EU. Does Japanese government know this fact? Ministry of Foreign Affairs, please.
Chair man:
Counselor Kawazu
Counselor Kawazu:
I answer.
At the Petitions Committee of the EU Parliament on February 19, which you have just pointed out, there was a discussion as you said. We are aware that the petitioner has mentioned the suspension of the SPA-Japan EU Strategic Partnership Agreement, or the cancellation of visa waivers to Japanese people.
Well, in response to this at the same day, the commitee have agreed to make a draft of resolution of plenary session about the issue of child abduction in Japan, and so on. Ah, it was supposed to be treated at the plenary session from March 9 to 12, Ah, but so far, at the Plenary Session of the EU Parliament, well, this issue has not been treated, I understand.
Chair man:
Yukiko Kada
Councilor Kada:
Thank you for the details. The EU Parliament has also affected due to the corona issue, and the schedule has been shortened, I’ve heard.
Moreover, on the same day on the petitions committee, there was a proposal to adopt the resolution. About this issue, what reaction are you planning as the ministry of foreign affairs to the members of EU parliament and to the countries of the petitioners?
Chair man:
Counselor Kawazu
Counselor Kawazu:
I answer.
Our country, uh, to the member of EU, we are explaining the laws in Japan related to this issue, or systems, we have been explaining these things, and we will continue to do so, Uh, We would like to respond appropriately in this way.
Chair man:
Yukiko Kada
Councilor Kada:
Thank you.
In fact, the French Senate also announced that a resolution was made on February 5, 2020. A resolution on the issue of child abduction in Japan was adopted, and the following opinions were made in the French Senate.
Japan does not particularly respect the Japan-EU Strategic Partnership Agreement, which aims to promote democracy, the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms. It is a sentences of the article that I mentioned earlier. Until now, european ambassadors have repeatedly requested the Japanese government, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, and the Minister of Justice, to solve this issue, but no result. The fact that such a resolution was adopted in the French senate is a evidence that there is a major problem with the family legislation in Japan from abroad. I also heard that the Australian ambassador visited the Ministry of Justice on January 21 this year to discuss about the custody after divorce. I heard from the Australian Embassy, they recognize that visitations based on court orders are at most once a month is major, and in the most cases the law court have no execution power and in most cases the visitations can’t be executed. And the embassy recognize that in these cases, Australian parents can’t do anything at all no matter how much they want to contact their children, or their opportunities to contact with their own children are very limited. In such a situation, from the French Senate or the EU and The Australian Embassy, in the midst of being viewed internationally like this, now we are working on a family law studying group. In what schedule we treat this issue? I would like to ask the Justice Minister Mori.
Chair man:
Justice Minister Mori
Justice Minister Mori:
Well, as you pointed out, I am aware that there are various opinions about the family legal system in Japan, a variety of opinions from overseas. Among the various claims, Ah, for example, there are misunderstandings such as the lack of legal procedures to bring back a child. So I would like to continue to provide appropriate explanations for correct understanding of the legal system in Japan for oversea. And about the family law studying group of the question, because there are various opinions in Japan and opinions from overseas, I am aware that they are making discussions referring to these opinions. The organizer of the studying group is, Public interest incorporated association, 「Shoji Homu Kenkyu Kai」, but the Ministry of Justice also dispatches persons to the group. Now, wide range of issues are being sorted out, and the schedule for the future is, well, undecided. But in my opinion, as I have mentioned before, the issue of custody in the case of parents divorce, is the issue of the rights of the child. Uh, in the point of the view of children, we make enough arguments. And I am instructing the person who is responsible in the Ministry of Justice about this issue to join into the discussion so that substantial arrangement can be done at an early stage.
Chair man:
Yukiko Kada
Councilor Kada:
Thank you.
Child grows up really quickly. I would like to ask you to cope with this issue as soon as possible.
My time for question is almost finished, as the last question for today, I'd like to ask the Supreme Court about the family court. Australian Embassy has four requests for the Family Court while considering Japan's sovereignty. The requests are, to expand the lower limit of visitation hours, to have executive power on the contact of child with parent, to have power to check the status of children, and encourage courts to promote contact between parents and children, such as letters and Skype in addition to the direct contact. I would like to hear the opinion of the Supreme Court.
Chair man:
Home Director of the supreme court Tejima, answer succinctly.
Home Director of the supreme court Tejima:
Well, I answer.
Well, you have just pointed out four requests, but I understand the 1st and 2nd requests are the matters of the system itself, so the supreme court can’t answer. Supreme Court would like to keep an eye on the discussions in the family law studying group.
And next, the 3rd one, on the 3rd request, I think there was a pointing out of understanding the situation of child, well, in the visitation case, it is important to understand the situation of the child as you pointed out, well, in the present general operation of the visitation case at family court, the family court investigators already understand the situation of child with professional knowledge and skills of psychology, education, behavioral science etc., including the will, intension, feeling of child, I realize. And about the usage of skype, in the visitation cases, appropriate method is being decided including the usage of skype and letters in such case when the parents live in a remote area separetely. We would like to continue to support the family court so that the arrangement of visitation will be exercised for the interests of the child in the future.
Chair man:
Yukiko Kada, your time finished.
Counsilor kada:
Thank you. My time finished. Thank you very much everyone.
End of the committee.
更新 2020-04-05 (日) 18:43:39
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